Envoy Enterprises
131 Chrystie Street, NYC.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
One-day Exhibition: 12-6 PM
Including a selection of artwork from The Sparky Project
Reception: 6-8 PM.
Please join me in a time to remember and celebrate the lives of all our fuzzy friends that have shared their love unconditionally.
1 comment:
whenever i think of Sparky i remember our first meeting at the visual aids office. he came over to greet me and you said something to him and he gave you one of those looks as if to say: "Hey man, cool it, i got this one covered." and i thought. He's got that right. He really seemed to like being your dog (except when you didn't let him collect food tax) and as we discovered had an amazing ability to intercept your signals with his unique antennae that you eventually noticed sprouting from the top of his head and posted the evidence on facebook. i'm a big dog lover and always fascinated with the kinds of relationships and friendships dogs develop in adaption to their dog world. Sparky had a great life. and, as was clearly evident most of the time, very appreciative i'm sure. so were you. a perfect match.
you'll have others, i'm sure, but none will ever be quite like Sparky i'm pretty certain of that.
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