The Sparky Show will be exhibited this Spring at the Project Space @ Schroeder Romero / Winkleman Gallery, 637 West 27th St, New York. All artwork in the Sparky Project will be on display – and there is still time for you to participate! Deadline is April 15, 2008.
Sparky wants you! To participate, artists simply create an artwork involving Sparky (or Sparky and Nelson). Artwork is open to all mediums: photography, painting, drawing, and sculpture. Participating artists become Lifetime Members of the Sparky Fan Club and all work (received in time) will be exhibited. The Sparky Project began in 2004 and there are now over 60 contributing artists. The Sparky Project’s mission is to collect 101 portraits of Sparky.
If you would like more information or want to set up an appointment with Sparky, please email nelson@sparkyandnelson.com
For inspirational snapshots visit Sparky on flickr and for samples of final artwork check out www.sparkyandnelson.com